Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Guest Post: Your First Car: Can it go with you when it's time to relocate?

Greetings! We have another wonderful opportunity of presenting a guest blogger. Ms. Liz Nelson writes about the considerations that need to be made when determining if it is possible to relocate a vehicle when it's time for that next move. Please note that the views of the guest bloggers do not necessarily represent those of the authors of Expat Teens Talk.

Your First Car: Can it Go with You When it's Time to Relocate?

Everyone remembers his or her first automobile. It can be quite easy to get attached to your first car and it could be heart breaking to let it go. However, it may be quite expensive to ship the automobile when it comes time to relocate. This is especially true if you're relocating to the other side of the globe. Unless the automobile is exceptionally expensive to replace, it may not be worth the expense to have it shipped.

Nearby Relocation
If you're lucky, you can drive your car to the new location. If you're studying throughout Europe, it could be nothing more than just a drive across a country or two. You may even be able to ferry the automobile from the UK to the European mainland for a small fee. However, would you be able to afford the fees that it would cost you to ship the car from Europe to South America?

For many cultures, the first car is a rite of passage for teenagers. This is especially true in the United States. It is the first taste of independent freedom that teens experience as they prepare for the rest of their lives. Many teens will hold on to their original vehicles for a great deal of time. Some may even weep when it comes time to scrap or sell this metallic friend of theirs.

As long as you go into your first automobile with the idea that it will be the first of many, you can probably quell some of the attachment that others may feel. You may still become engaged within your vehicle, but it won't cause as much of an emotional upheaval if you are already waiting for the moment when you have to let the auto go. If you are lucky, you may be able to relocate your automobile to your new location.

Troubles with Shipping
There are many aspects to relocating a car that you need to consider. Although the cost will be the most primary reason for justifying taking the vehicle with you, there are legalities that will need to be addressed as well. Some countries prohibit importing your own vehicle. Others will prohibit the sale of a foreign vehicle privately within the borders. Road regulations will need to be adhered to as your car may not be legal to operate in your new location. Therefore, before you worry about the cost, your location may prevent you from importing your vehicle anyway.

Money to Spend
Selling your car before you move can put extra money in your pocket, while saving an extra expense of transporting the machine. This money can be put towards buying your second vehicle in the new location, easing your mind, as you don't have to concern yourself with customs and fees. It may be sad to let your first automobile go, but you're young and there are plenty of adventures that are still left to be had.

Your first car will remain with you throughout the rest of your life. It could represent your first taste of independence ,while developing many memories. It's common for many to feel bad about getting rid of his or her first car, but there will come a time when you find that perfect automobile for you. It's just another step along the path of life, and there are many more laid out in front of you.

This is a guest post by Liz Nelson from She is a freelance writer and blogger from Houston. Questions and comments can be sent to: liznelson17 @