Thursday 2 February 2012

Book summary- 'Expat Teens Talk'

Life as an Expatriate can be full of rich, exciting, unique, and adventurous opportunities! It can also be challenging as a result of being constantly confronted by change and having to adapt to new cultural norms, languages, foods, religions, and day-to-day ways of life. This can be made more complicated by consistently feeling like a guest within the host country, which makes it difficult to access supports and services with the same ease as non-Expats. When you combine an Expat lifestyle with the complicated challenges of being a teenager, it can feel like a double whammy!
Expat Teens Talk” recognizes the challenges that teens are faced with when growing up as Expats, and is a “must read” for Expat Teens, Expat Parents, and Expat Professionals (including teachers, principals, and counselors within International Schools). This book provides a unique platform where Expat Teens, worldwide, have been given the opportunity to share their personal stories, experiences, challenges, issues, and questions related to the impact of a transient lifestyle on life as a teenager. In return, they receive advice, solutions, and support from the three groups that are most important to them: their fellow Expat Peers, other Expat Parents, and Expat Professionals. Visit our website ( or contact us at for more information.

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